Spiritual Intimacy & Birthing Coach (SIB)

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Spiritual Intimacy & Birthing Coach (SIB)

The Spiritual Intimacy and Birthing Coach Graduate Certificate seeks to provide students the opportunity to receive coaching services as students walk through their own transformation journey. As students become motivated, inspired, and empowered to start work on a project, goal, or dream that they believe God has given them, the ELTU coach or instructor provides live instruction through a series of curriculums, learning materials, and biblical seminars in group sessions, individual meetings, and homework to support the student’s journey. This program is designed to enhance a student’s life and/or ministry by encouraging and guiding the student to create and produce that which they have been holding on to for years or to help the student become unstuck. The program totals 126-hours of both synchronous and asynchronous spiritual development and learning that enhances a student’s ability to create, produce, and manifest their God-given dreams and visions.

Students who enroll in our Spiritual Intimacy & Birthing Coach program meet once a week in a group setting on Sunday afternoons (typically afternoons with class start time set at or after 3 pm CST via Zoom). The designated clock starting time set for each class may change depending on the class size/enrollment. Working with a live instructor each group will work on their curriculum and project they have brought forth or chosen as birthing projects. No tests or course papers are required.

Students of the Spiritual Intimacy & Birthing Coach program receive the ELTU Spiritual Intimacy & Birthing Coach Certificate by enhancing their personal, professional, or spiritual journey with a transformation project of their own.

To earn the Spiritual Intimacy & Birthing Coach Graduate Certificate, students must participate in the full 9-month birthing journey, plus the 3-months of aftercare which total a one-year program consisting of (40) weekly live group Empowerment sessions of 2-program hours each, (3) once-a-month group sessions with the instructor of 1-program hour each, and (3) coaching sessions that the student conducts with a person being coached for 1-program hour each. The student will also be completing weekly homework assignments that typically take 1 program hour of the student’s private time during the week. Thus, the program totals 126 program hours. Upon successful completion of all sessions and assignments in the Spiritual Intimacy & Birthing Coach seminar series, the student will receive the Spiritual Intimacy & Birthing Coach Certificate and become recognized by ELTU as a Spiritual Intimacy and Birthing Coach. It should be noted that participants of the Spiritual Intimacy and Birthing Coach Certificate may enter in through ELTU Alliance transfers and receive prior credit.

Type Awarded:           Graduate Certificate




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To earn the Spiritual Intimacy & Birthing Coach Graduate Certificate, students must participate in the full one-year program consisting of (40) weekly live group Empowerment sessions of 2-program hours each, then (3) once-a-month group sessions with the instructor of 1 program hour each, and (4) individual coaching sessions with a person being coached for 1 program hour each. The student will also be completing weekly homework assignments that typically take 1 program hour of the student’s private time during the week. Thus, the program totals 126 program hours. Upon successful completion of all sessions and assignments in the Spiritual Intimacy & Birthing Coach seminar series, the student will receive the Spiritual Intimacy & Birthing Coach Certificate and become recognized by ELTU as a Spiritual Intimacy and Birthing Coach. Program completion requires 126 program hours.




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Certificate Course Outline

Complete Listing of Subjects




SIB 101 SPIRITUAL INTIMACY & BIRTHING- CURRICULUM I  (20 weeks)   36 / 1  / 00 / 37 
SIB 102 SPIRITUAL INTIMACY & BIRTHING- CURRICULUM 2 (20 weeks)   44 / 1  / 00 / 45 
SIB 103 SPIRITUAL INTIMACY & BIRTHING- GROUP AFTERC (3 weeks)     0 / / 00 /   
  Total Contact Hours for Program Completion   120/ 6 / 00/ 126 


  • All (6) labs are required for this seminar series.
  • This instructor-led synchronous Graduate Seminar certificate will only be offered when there is a waiting list of at least 10 students to enroll in this program.

A Complete Synopsis of each Subject offered for this Program is shown above and found in the Course Catalog.




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Program Objectives & Purpose

  • To motivate, inspire, and empower individuals to become more effective and fulfilled through coach-specific training, best-practices, ELT-recognized certificates, and instruction in spiritual intimacy and spiritual birthing principles.




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Program Admission Requirements

There are no prerequisites for application into the ELTU Seminar certificates. Upon receipt of the application and payment of the fees, a student may start the Seminar certificate.

**Transfer Students:

Due to the specific nature of ELTU programs and services, ELTU will not provide prior credit for education, training, or experience provided by or obtained from institutions other than ELTU or ELTU alliances. Coach-specific programs may be considered on a case-by-case basis if the education or experience was provided by ELTU faculty while employed by ELTU or an ELTU alliance organization. The record of prior education form and request for prior ELTU credit must be submitted in advance with the ELTU Admissions Application to the ELTU School Director for approval of ELTU related prior credits. Otherwise, no credit for prior education or training is granted by ELTU for any degree programs or certificate, and all students must complete the required number of ELTU courses specified for each program or certificate in order to fulfill their chosen ELTU program or certificate seminar series. (See policy: Credit for Previous Training and Experience)

Apply Now

Tuition & Expenses


Program Length 126                                      Minimum Contact Hours  Date training is to begin  
Course Type SEMINAR SERIES ☐ Seminar (single) ☐ Seminar (series)
Method of Delivery SYNCHRONOUS    
MANDATORY COSTS & EXPENSES   ❶ 2nd Degree/Seminar (Only)  $                                2,000
Tuition**    $                     2,625 ❷ Book Publishing (Only)  $                                2,400
Registration Fee*** $100 ❸ 2nd Degree + Book Publishing  $                                4,400
Matriculation Fee $1,288 ❹ 3rd Degree Program/Seminar  $                                3,800
Books** $250 ❺ 3rd Degree/Seminar + Bk Publ  $                                6,200
Supplies** $100 ❻ 1-on-1 Book Writing (Only)  $                                2,000
Processing Fee***   $150 ❼ 1-on-1 Book Writing Plus Book Publishing Pkg  $                                4,400
**Tuition varies according to selected program or seminar. At ELTU, Tuition represents the cost of the ELTU course curricula only and does not include the cost of labor, textbooks, supplies, or any other associated or extra expenses. Textbooks may be purchased from ELTU separately or from your favorite book dealer or www.Amazon.com. Students are responsible for the cost of their own Internet provider service, computer equipment, email, etc. which are needed to access and complete ELTU courses and programs.  Any cost shown for book fees or supplies are estimates only based on current cost and subject to change.
TOTAL PROGRAM COST:      $                     4,513  TOTAL IF PAID IN ADVANCE:            $                        3,763
Select One
12 Monthly Installments with No Interest* 24 Monthly Installments with No Interest*  $                           3,513  $                        2,325
 $                          326  $                          163 SAVINGS AMOUNT: SAVINGS AMOUNT:
$400 $300
Monthly plus the student’s chosen optional Add-on package(s). Monthly plus the student’s chosen optional Add-on package(s). No remaining fees if Tuition & Expenses paid in advance. Matriculation Fees to be paid via 12 monthly installments with No Interest.
We accept all payments online via bank account drafts, credit, or debit cards. *Installments will be setup on automatic recurring payments on the ELTU website for electronic processing. Students may elect to set up Automatic Bill Pay, Auto Credit or Auto Debit Card Payments, with their bank or other Auto recurring electronic provider. Fees shown with three asterisks *** such as Processing Fee and Registration Fee are required at the time of Admission’s Application for processing, and are therefore non-refundable unless the Student’s Admissions Application is not approved.
Any holder of this consumer credit contract is subject to all claims and defenses which the debtor could assert against the seller of goods or services obtained pursuant hereto or with the proceeds hereof.  Recovery hereunder by the debtor shall not exceed the amounts paid by the debtor hereunder. 
ELTU Inaugural Scholarship Recipients receive a Waiver of Tuition Form after submitting the Student Enrollment Agreement and receiving Scholarship approval.
A full refund will be made to any student who cancels the enrollment contract within 72 hours (until midnight of the third day excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays) after the enrollment contact is approved.

Students will not graduate from the program, earn the degree, receive a completion certificate or transcript until all fees are paid in full to the School’s Financial Office.




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How it Works

Live Core Course Lectures

This seminar series is approximately 1 year: a total of approx 9-months (36 to 40 weeks) for:

  • SIB Curriculum 1: consisting of a 2-hour group orientation meeting with the instructor during the first two weeks beginning of the program, then the remaining 16 weeks of immersion into the live lessons with the instructor from the textbooks for 2 hours per week.
  • SIB Curriculum 2: consisting of the next 20 weeks with the last two weeks being two 2-hour group close out meetings with the instructor including a public or virtual celebration at the end of the program.

Plus 3-months of aftercare training as follows:

  • SIB-Curriculum 3: consisting of one monthly group coach training.

This SIB Coach Certificate is offered when there is a class list of at least 10 attendees interested in enrollment. Instructor feedback is provided weekly.

Independent Study Homework Assignments

The above Core Courses require weekly homework assignments which take about one program hour each during the 9-month curriculum evaluated by the instructor.


In addition to the above, the student will setup, record, and complete at least (3) one-on-one coaching sessions with a person being coached. Each coaching lab is worth one program clock hour each. Including any prep work, each coaching session may last up to 60 minutes.  The sessions may take place online or offline at working with the person being coached. The student, not the school, is responsible for acquiring, setting up, recording, and completing the coaching session with his/her client or person being coached.

Live Instructor-Led Group Coach Training

A 1-hour group coaching after-care training is provided once a month during the last three months of the year-long program.

Discussion Forum Online

ELTU Instructors offer either a Live Group Discussion Forum or a Posted Discussion Forum. Whether live or posted, the Discussion Forum is the place to participate with others who may be enrolled at ELTU currently or have been enrolled previously and have posted their comments in reply to any of the Instructor’s Questions covered in the Course Curriculum / Syllabus. These questions are typically regarding personal, professional, or spiritual transformation, leadership, coaching, change, or any aspect of the given course or program. Where you see an icon labelled “Discussion Forum” or content labelled as such in your Class syllabus, your participation in the Discussion Forum is required and will be graded to successfully complete the program. If a student has not attended either the Live Group Discussion Forum Online (or Posted Discussion Forum Online) to perform and complete the required weekly check-ins, the Instructor may recommend to the School Director that the student be withdrawn from the program (see policy on Satisfactory Progress and Academic Probation).

Adding on Degree Programs

Students who complete the Spiritual Intimacy & Birthing Coach Seminar Series may desire to add-on the ELTU Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral degree programs with the approval of the ELTU School Director. Thus, offering you several ways to elevate your educational success. A maximum number of Seminar Series program hours (see chart below) may be transferred into the degree programs for completion. In each case, you must complete at least the minimal hours required to earn your degree as shown in the chart below.


Spiritual Intimacy Coach Transfers into
ELTU Bachelor’s of Science Degree Program Lecture Lab Extern  
BCL Hours Required to Earn Degree 118 8 0 126
Core Course Requirement (cannot be transferred in) 80 8 0 88
Transferable program hours from Spiritual Intimacy Coach 38 0 0 38
No other transfer credits from another program
Spiritual Intimacy Coach Transfers into
ELTU Master’s of Science Degree Program Lecture Lab Extern  
MCL Hours Required to Earn Degree 80 8 0 88
Core Course Requirement (cannot be transferred in) 40 8 0 48
Transferable program hours from Spiritual Intimacy Coach 40 0 0 40
No other transfer credits from another program
Spiritual Intimacy Coach Transfers into
ELTU Doctoral Degree Program Lecture Lab* Extern  
PHD Hours Required to Earn Degree 80 23 0 103
Core Course Requirement (cannot be transferred in) 40 23 0 63
Transferable program hours from Spiritual Intimacy Coach 40 0 0 40
*No other transfer or dissertation credit from another program




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